Yesterday, we were invited to a skating party at one of the families that Madigan goes to school with. They recently built a skating rink and a warming house and wanted to share in the fun. We had a great time! Madigan and I both went to the store to buy ourselves some skates and a helmet. I have not put a pair of skates on since 1984! I did pretty well, did not fall but was not exactly steady on my feet. Madigan hit the ice around 3:15pm and was the last one to get off at 6:30pm. I was very proud of her. She took some skating lessons when she was three but all she was interested in then was the candy machine at the facility. She fell quite a few times but always pulled herself right back up. The property is gorgeous. It is a huge rink with flood lights so the fun can go all night. The warming house has bathroom, changing area with cubbies and a kitchen and living room area to warm back up! The children all had a great time and it was great to meet new people. The snow never stopped! It felt like a Norman Rockwell moment!

I miss ice skating! When I lived in MN as a kid we went all the time. In SC now and my kids don't even know about snow!
Seriously some of the most beautiful holiday moments I've seen this year. I hope it gets to become a yearly tradition for you!
As usual, Miss M is gorgeous!
Talk about a post that makes me miss home! B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L!
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Love, Lib
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