Sunday, September 9, 2007

Madigan's Milestone

Well, she did it, my little Baby Girl left me for the greener pastures of Kindergarten 1. She could not contain her excitement, I could not contain my sadness. I never thought I would be one of "those mothers" who cries hysterically while chasing after the school bus. To my credit, I did all my crying the night before while I read her goodnight books. It was impossible not to get caught up in her excitement. The thrill of a ride on a school bus was contagious. Her smile was a mile wide. She was very polite at the bus stop and said her goodmornings to everyone. The part that was the hardest for me was that I was putting her on a bus with complete strangers. She knew no one that first day. Furthermore, most of the kids on the bus are all older than her, third grade and higher. I had nothing to worry about. The bus monitor said she had a great day, and that she had lots of fun. I could tell. When the bus pulled up for drop off at 4:15pm, Madigan was sound asleep.


Tickled Pink And Green said...

Gorgeous child! Is that a little monogram I see?!

dmmlandcruiser said...

Yes, those are her initials, although I am a bit peeved with Land's End. I requested the initials to go on the left chest and they put them in the middle. When I called to inquire as to why, the representative told me that is how all the schools are placing the monograms now. Madigan was the only girl with a monogram in the middle!

Tres Poshe Preppy said...

What a cutie! Precious, she will be quite popular I'm sure!

Tickled Pink And Green said...

I think the monogram looks cute in the middle, but can understand your being peeved. The last thing kids want to be at this age is different from everyone else.

dmmlandcruiser said...

She also had nailpolish on today (had a sleepover birthday party on Saturday) which I think is forbidden. We are off to a great start! Typical of me!

Hemstitch & Hydrangea said...

What a sweetheart! So pretty and genuinely sweet looking- love her first day dress with the monogram- very special to both of you for sure-

Hope its a great school year!

Suburban prep said...

What a beautiful little girl. You can just see the excitement in her eyes. I hope she is always so excited a bout learning.

Allie_in_Ga said...

She looks adorable! Her uniform is really cute. I can't believe that Lands End made that decision for you, weird.

CFB said...

How cute!

Preppy Napkin said...

So precious. I also had a little guy head off to Kindergarten. It was hard for me to be sad, because he was so excited. He loves school and that makes me happy! Hope you are hanging in there.

Lori said...

Oh she looks so darling! I'm glad it was a great first day, and that you're doing ok! :) That's so funny that she was fast asleep, how typical.
I love that you put a monogram on her uniform too.

Genuine Lustre said...

She's a cutie. Poor little thing. That's a long day for a little one.