Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Gall of Some People (Actually One Person!)

Look at this adorable face. Do you recognize Him? How could one person destroy this amazing guy's life and the joys that several people have found in his company? Nevermind the ones who are still waiting to meet him in person. It is shameful that a blogger begged to be named one of his hostesses and has been so careless with him. Monkey must be freed!


lisagh said...


woo hoo

SBCVandy aka PreppyChemist said...

Completely agree. We should come up with some kind of solidarity badge for Monkey to put on our blogs.

Mona said...

free monkey...Free Monkey...FREE MONKEY NOW!!!!!!!

k e r r y said...

I have 3 words... WTH? Seriously... we want our monkey bacK!!