Last night, there were no sports to be watched during primetime hour as both the Red Sox and Patriots had already chalked up their wins for the day. So, we relied on our premium cable package to entertain us. It was 8pm and this movie was just starting. I knew nothing about it other than it starred Nicole Kidman and Daniel Craig. "Must be good", I thought. I was totally wrong. I should have known to turn the channel when one of the first scenes involved a shuttle explosion with the pieces of debris containing some type of indestructible organism on it. This movie went from bad to worse straight through to the ending. Two thumbs down. How about you all? Any movies to NOT RECOMMEND out there?
"Balls of Fury" - We got sucked into watching it one Saturday night. It was so awful on so many levels. I could feel my IQ slipping and we still couldn't turn it off. I think it's my civic duty to advise others not to watch. Run away. Run. Fast.
I don't have one to not recommend, but I actually have one I do recommend. One that I never went to see at the theatre and one I would never have watched except by chance on HBO (or whatever channel it was). It's "The Ex" with Amanda Peet and Jason Bateman and Zach Branff? (that guy from Scrubs)...
The Hubby and I laughed our asses off. Maybe it was just our kind of humor. Anyway, I was really surprised.
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