Hello Everyone or should I say Anyone? It's been a while since I've chimed in on the exciting happenings in my world. Why? I am not even going to try and come up with any pathetic excuses. The reason is just pure laziness. Sometimes, I am just not motivated to post anything. It is just like going to the gym or staying on a diet; you miss a day then you miss the next day and the next thing you know, it is December!!!
We had a great Summer, one of the all time nicest weather wise that I'll ever see in my lifetime. We went to Aruba in June and came home to a demolished kitchen. We decided to renovate our 10 year old space to accomodate two cooks. Well, that project is still ongoing........yes you read that right. We have not had a kitchen for six months!!! I'll be sure to do a post on the new space.
I also turned 40 since I last wrote. I had these great visions of being 50 pounds lighter and being much healthier by the time I celebrated but that never happened. (see above notes on laziness and kitchen renovation) I still would like to work on that and maybe 2011 will be the year to do it!!!
I also destroyed my back in November. I have always had a lower back issue but never had it checked out. This time, I couldn't take the pain anymore and went to the MD office. My blood pressure was 155/100 when I got there. Can you say PAIN???? I had an MRI that showed herniated discs at L4, L5, S1 Started physical therapy 2 weeks ago and I can finally say I feel better. No more sitting at my desk though. I have to stand and get my work done. Not so easy but I ordered an adjustable key board and monitor system that should help.
Now, the Christmas rush is on and tis the season to be merry. I promise I will be checking back in to keep the entertainment rolling over here!!! For now, Happy Holidays!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Pregnancy Public Service Announcement

As the wife of a very busy obstetrician (over 400 babies per year!!), I have seen some incredible things while working in the office. The last 2 months have been crazy. Why? 5 patients have delivered before they could make it to the hospital. Yes, 5!!! 4 went to community hospitals and delivered almost immediately after arrival. The most recent patient delivered in her driveway!!!! When your doctor tells you to call him if you have labor symptoms, call him!!! Don't worry that it could be a false alarm, don't fret that you are waking him up at 2:30 in the morning, just call. Better to give yourself plenty of time (and an epidural). Trust me, your husbands DO NOT want to become instant obstetricians!!!
Thursday, March 4, 2010
Shop Till You Drop
Yes, my friends, it is that time of year again. The time when the mailman brings boatloads of pretty books with pretty models and pretty clothes. They are all brightly colored and lightweight. Even though snow is still flurrying out in the sky, you know a day will come when short sleeves and bare legs will prevail.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Saying A Prayer
I recently starting following the tweets of a Mom desperate for a miracle to save her little girl, Layla Grace from the cancer that is ravaging her body. It looks like Layla Grace is close to the end of her courageous fight. Say a prayer for her today if you can and hug your children a bit tighter.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Self Improvements
I am in the waning days of my 30's. It is inexplicable that I am not still 28 years old. Where the hell has the time gone?? I have decided that I want my 40's to be much better than my 30's. My first step toward that goal was to join a gym. What's that I hear? A huge gasp from anyone reading this who actually knows me? Yes, it is true. For the first time in 15 years, I am committing to some form of fitness.
I am taking it slowly. I usually do the treadmill for 35 minutes followed by another cardio machine. Most of them, I can't even figure out how to turn on, so my selections have been limited so far. Then, I try to do a few laps in the pool. Apparently, all these years I have been going into the pool to cool off during the summers have done nothing to improve either my breast stroke or my endurance. Walking around the little end for 5 minutes really wasn't so helpful.
And finally, for the first time ever, I walked into the studio with 4,000 mirrors and did a class!! It was Zumba or Zoomba. Not quite sure how to spell it since I was in the back row and could barely read what was on the 20 year old instructor's embroidered yoga top while I was jumping around like an idiot with the redest face in the world. She was throwing out all these crazy moves mostly to latin music. I was expecting Tom Bergeron and Samantha Harris to come over and interview me post merengue. The most important part was that I made it through 1 whole hour of cardio. I loved it. It was much more fun than watching the tv on the treadmill. Stay Tuned, hopefully, I will keep going!
I am taking it slowly. I usually do the treadmill for 35 minutes followed by another cardio machine. Most of them, I can't even figure out how to turn on, so my selections have been limited so far. Then, I try to do a few laps in the pool. Apparently, all these years I have been going into the pool to cool off during the summers have done nothing to improve either my breast stroke or my endurance. Walking around the little end for 5 minutes really wasn't so helpful.
And finally, for the first time ever, I walked into the studio with 4,000 mirrors and did a class!! It was Zumba or Zoomba. Not quite sure how to spell it since I was in the back row and could barely read what was on the 20 year old instructor's embroidered yoga top while I was jumping around like an idiot with the redest face in the world. She was throwing out all these crazy moves mostly to latin music. I was expecting Tom Bergeron and Samantha Harris to come over and interview me post merengue. The most important part was that I made it through 1 whole hour of cardio. I loved it. It was much more fun than watching the tv on the treadmill. Stay Tuned, hopefully, I will keep going!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Be My Valentine (and Personal Chef)
With Valentine's Day right around the corner, I've been thinking about what to get The Doc. We never really exchange gifts, but last week, he decided to try a recipe for Pot Roast from The Barefoot Contessa. The recipe mentions using a Dutch Oven and he had no idea what it was. The roast was made in a regular pot and it turned out really well. But, had he made it in this Le Creuset French Oven, well I'm sure it would have been divine! How appropriate that it comes in red?

Monday, February 8, 2010
Super Sunday
Did you all watch the Superbowl last night? Even though our hometown team was not playing, I did. I love watching football. I thought last night's match up was a good one. The Colts and Saints were both on track for undefeated seasons this year. The Saints lost in battle, the Colts lied down. Karma can be a biotch sometimes, huh Peyton??? Needless to say, I was THRILLED with the outcome. I am very happy for the Saints and the city of New Orleans. Almost makes me wish I was headed down for Mardis Gras. That is going to be one sick party this year!
We hosted some family and friends. We had the usual suspects for appetizers: Buffalo Chicken Dip, Shrimp, Crudite. For dinner, The Doc made both tenderloin and lamb with herbed potatoes. My Mom made an incredible chopped salad. For the kiddies, dinosaur chicken nuggets, cheese stick and Gogurts. Saving the best for last was the dessert table. We had chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting, Mississippi Mud Pie (my all time favorite!!) and frozen yogurt with fruit. The kids wiped out the Fro Yo before anyone with diet constraints could get near it!
I do feel bad for all those Colts fans today who feel like jumping off a bridge. Now they know how we felt 2 years ago when the Giants won. Spring training is only a few days away!!
We hosted some family and friends. We had the usual suspects for appetizers: Buffalo Chicken Dip, Shrimp, Crudite. For dinner, The Doc made both tenderloin and lamb with herbed potatoes. My Mom made an incredible chopped salad. For the kiddies, dinosaur chicken nuggets, cheese stick and Gogurts. Saving the best for last was the dessert table. We had chocolate cake with cream cheese frosting, Mississippi Mud Pie (my all time favorite!!) and frozen yogurt with fruit. The kids wiped out the Fro Yo before anyone with diet constraints could get near it!
I do feel bad for all those Colts fans today who feel like jumping off a bridge. Now they know how we felt 2 years ago when the Giants won. Spring training is only a few days away!!
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Report to the Principal's Office
Those words strike fear in every student who hears them. Today, I am going to Madigan's school for my first ever teacher conference. She goes to the type of school that has a "hands off" policy. No reading to the class, no PTA, no parental involvement. Just pay your $$, and they take care of the rest. I like that about her school. I did not specialize in elementary education. I would have no business trying to help someone else's child learn how to read or print their letters. Anyhow, I felt like I should go and check in to see how first grade is going. Most of the parents have been going up for these types of meetings since Pre K. I did not see the necessity in that since she seemed to be coloring just fine. But now that they are actually spelling, reading, writing, etc, I want to make sure she is on the right track.
There are lots of competitive parents at Madigan's school. Sometimes, I think they are planning to apply their daughters to Harvard Business School in 3rd grade. I'm not like that and I worry that maybe Madigan will suffer for it. I'll find out today!
There are lots of competitive parents at Madigan's school. Sometimes, I think they are planning to apply their daughters to Harvard Business School in 3rd grade. I'm not like that and I worry that maybe Madigan will suffer for it. I'll find out today!
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Veterinary Hell
2 days before Christmas, we got to bring him home. He needed to be fed every 4 hours. He eats a high calorie cat food that is blended with water to resemble infant formula. It is injected slowly through the feeding tube. Feedings take about an hour because you don't want to go so fast that he will vomit everything back up. His initial dosage was to be 20cc every four hours. Day 2, 30cc's, then 40 cc's and so forth until we got to 60 cc's each feeding. That never happened.
The first day of feeding went great. Then he started vomiting every feeding up. We had to pull back on his dosages and just go slowly. He gets Zofran (all you pregnant ladies probably know what this is!!) twice daily to control the nausea. It has been a long, stressful process but we are finally seeing the light! He is down to 6.3 pounds but has been maintaining all his feedings. He is up to 45cc's now and he no longer looks jaundiced. His labs stabilized and he is meowing up a storm. He is slowly starting to eat by mouth although just a tiny bit each day. I think Tigger is on his way back and I couldn't be happier.
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